PricingDrts Chpt 24_25275624S

Strategic Spotlight: How Companies Get Pricing Right


For many businesses, one of the most difficult questions to answer is: “How do we price our products and services?” So how do company leaders answer this question? Many of them start by looking at the competition to see who has been successful and at what price. This approach is a good place to begin.…

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Doctor’s Orders: Travel Smart


Before traveling, consider scanning your documents (e.g., passports, traveler’s identity, allergies, vaccination records, plus other important information) and sending them to your primary email address. If you run into a problem, you can have them printed out at a local internet café or hotel business center or they can be viewed on a smart phone.…

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Productivity Tip: What To Do When You’ve Got Too Much Email


If the average office worker spends over 26% of their workday on email, can we streamline to recover the precious commodity of time? Or is it better to ignore a growing inbox? According to a recent McKinsey Global Institute report on “the social economy,” the average knowledge worker now spends more than 26% of their…

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Defining The Cost Of An Unhappy Work Force And How To Fix It


Today we see alarming reports that lost productivity, from actively disengaged employees, is costing the U.S. economy $370 billion annually. If you are a leader wondering how widespread this ‘disengaging’ crisis is and what steps you can take to win this battle in your own company, follow along as I interview Pamela Jett, MS, CSP,…

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Busines travel tips

Get Packing: Seven Tips For The Holidays


We all know savvy globetrotters who instinctively travel with less. Thankfully, a few of them are my friends, colleagues, and travel experts who have shared their secrets. Here are seven of the best packing strategies that work: 1. The List In a Fodor’s survey, 29 percent of respondents said they make lists at least one…

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